Google Science Fair 2014
We all are already know that what is Google Science Fair. Google announced Google Science Fair in January 2011. Now again Google Science Fair 2014 is back. The Google Science Fair is an online science competition sponsored by the Google, Lego, CERN, National Geographic and Scientific American companies. Google Science Fair is a global online competition open to students from 13 to 18 years old. The student want to change the world The Google Science fair for that students.
We must have the internet connection and a free Google Account(gmail) to participate, as the projects are submitted through Google Sites in English, German, Italian, Spanish, or French. There are Some Prices for the Google Science Fair winner students. The Prices are awarded to the three finalists. The Grand prize winners includes National Geographic trip to the Galapagos Islands, scholarship of US$50,000 and an “experience” at a sponsoring organization.
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The 2014 Google Science Fair started accepting entries for Google Science Fair 2014 on February 12, 2014. The deadline for all applications is May 12. The Google Science Fair is for those students who have a Good knowledge and ideas about the new technologies and they have a new innovations in the technology that change the world. The Search Giant Google Launches Google Science Fair 2011 and this is the Fourth Year of the Google Science Fair.
Check out the below video officially published by the Google Science fair team.
if you have a Good ideas, you can change the world. The Thing is choose what you Love and you would change the world. The Google Science Fair 2014 is for you guys that want to the change the world. Google Science Fair’s promotion video shows people wanting to change the world.
Why are you waiting Just go to Google Science Fair 2014 Sign up and spread your ideas and innovations, you may change the world. Good Luck to All and share it with your friend circles.
It’s Your Turn to Change the World, Join Google Science Fair 2014 and show the world what you are and you can change the world.