Blogging Internet Marketing

6 Nightmares of New Bloggers (and the Solutions)

Did the fear of failure ever stop you from starting your blog?

Are you not starting your blog because you think you’d fail? Are you worried about getting success with your blog?

It’s okay, most of the bloggers get into this situation.

They actually start worrying before the launch, even when they don’t know the real nightmare to be worried!

But few of the newbie bloggers don’t really worry in the excitement.

New Bloggers Nightmares

New Bloggers are enthusiast about their blogs when they start blogging. It’s always exciting to take a start in blogging. People write so much about Blogging, newbies get motivated when they read those shinny words, bloggers share their content on Social Media, and Starters just want to get in after seeing so much potential in the industry.

Are you actually one of those people who want to know about Blogging? Are you little curious to know what’s exactly going on out there with blogs?

Well, a lot of people think that way, many of them manage to start, and few of them find the way to get through.

Surprisingly, nothing looks bad before the start up – When you get closer to things, you start seeing it more clearly…

Similarly, the more you know, the better it would be.

Is it disappointing?

Are you scared?

Nightmares New Bloggers Scared

Are You Scared?

Do you think I’m going to talk against Blogging? Are you going to make an image of mine as Red-n-Black Genie who is going to stop you from the blogging endeavor?

Let me make one thing very clear to you. I’m not that one.

I’m on your side. Because If I were not, I wouldn’t have added ‘Solutions’ in the blog post title.

I want to give solutions. I want to help. I want you to blog. I want you to learn, adopt, experience and share.

Do you know Alibaba?



Alibaba is one of the most successful B2B and B2C Biz and Trading websites in the world and one of the biggest companies of China. Did you know the founder of Alibaba got rejected earlier from different jobs, but he never tried

to quit… I think that worked for them.

So, you don’t have to do it either.

Things will be tough, the best thing would be the ‘Lessons’ out of every difficulty.

5 Lessons I Learnt from Blogging

I’m going to share 6 Nightmares of Every New Blogger along with the solutions — Because if there is no solution in the discussion, then there is no value to deliver and gain.

Take a look on the Nightmares that scare many Blogging Starters:

1. How would I write such good quality content?

It’s true that people get worried for creating good quality content, but at the same time it doesn’t mean that they can’t create that!

Quality Content

Quality Content

The first thing new bloggers would definitely think is ‘Creating the high-quality Content’ for their blogs.
It’s normal. Bloggers always plan their content, it’s not possible every time to just grab your laptop and start writing a piece that turns out to be extremely popular and acceptable.


Firstly, you need to identify your audience, once you know them, you’d be able to target them. I’ve seen people get stuck at this point when they have to identify their audience…

My simple tip is, be relaxed and think about the crowd you want to help in that article. See my example, I wanted to target New Bloggers in this blog post who face little problem about Starting up and later on Content Creation… So I tried.

So, make yourself aware about the audience.

For example, if you blog about Technology, you probably have to cover news, updates, pricing and benefits of major Smartphones (in your country), and secondly you need to keep an eye on the top players (brands) of the tech industry (like Sony, Samsung, LG, Apple and others)… This is how you’d get ideas to create content… even you should subscribe to:

Writing a good article or even a series of article isn’t easy – If you’re in ‘Money Making’ Niche, you would have to keep an eye on the ideas, news and resources related to Blogging Tools, Ad Companies, PPC, Affiliate Marketing… Keep your research on and keep sharing with people you find out with the audience.

You must be keeping eyes on these blogs:

Use Buzzsumo to find certain top level and popular content on social media in your niche. Use your keywords or Blog Categories to find authoritative Content in your Niche.

Tagboard is another fantastic Content Marketing and Social Media Analysis tool which allows you to find the real-time content/sharing of that hashtag on major Social Media Platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

2. Theme and Web hosting cost hundreds of dollar

One of the biggest problems of New Bloggers is, they don’t have experience of facing difficulties on low-quality web hosting services, so they try to be smart and most of them get into trouble by opting a low-quality and cheap web hosting service.




Solution is quite simple. Don’t neglect the views and recommendations of experienced bloggers – I really pay attention to the views of top bloggers, you should do it too…

You might have heard Bloggers and Experts talking about using high-quality and premium services, so that’s right, you have to use some quality services… Obviously you can’t afford to get your blog’s perception as slow-website in the eyes of Google Crawler…

because page loading speed matters a lot.

You would find Probloggers always struggling to use CDN Services, Caching Plugins and Optimizing the On-page content to reduce the loading time of the blog.

Try these CDN and Caching Plugins:

New Bloggers get worried when they listen about high-quality web hosting and premium WordPress themes, they aren’t much expensive… You probably be able to get Web hosting and Premium theme between $120 to $160…

3. I’m a full-time student, how would I get time to blog?

You probably heard this hundred times. Some newbie bloggers ask other bloggers that how do you manage time? Most of them are students who get worried and ask such questions…

Full Time Student

Full Time Student

Even they would be surprised to know that some job persons are also running their successful blogs. I always tell newbie bloggers to have little faith… Don’t be scared. You can do this.

Little pats can really work well.


There is only one person you need to convince about your blogging, and especially during school and college studies… And that is you!

Tell yourself that you have to do this. You can’t wait and let the things happen for you… but you have to do this yourself…

It’s all in the mind. Once you accept the challenge, you can succeed.

Patience, consistency and learning take you to the next level.

Remember, it’s a process and process gradually goes forward. Success isn’t few hundred dollars that you make in next 6 months of your blogging career…

Success would be based on

  • learning
  • community building
  • understanding the niche
  • making the loyal audience

Blogging Influencers like Neil Patel and Darren Rowse are successful, because they communicate with audience, and have spent more than a decade in the service and now they’re big pillars of the industry…

4. What if I don’t get Affiliate Sales?

You won’t get Affiliate Sales, if you don’t take a start. More you learn, more you earn. It’s not easy for New Bloggers to suddenly start seeing sales… It’s always a process.

Affiliate Sales

Affiliate Sales

Learning doesn’t stop. It shouldn’t be.

So, the important questions people might ask you or you want to ask the experts is, how to get more sales?


Getting affiliate sales isn’t easy. It’s totally different to get visitors on your blog and make money with Ad Clicks. In Affiliate Marketing you need to generate awareness, make & develop loyal audience and then you have to be patient and consistent to let your authority develop.

For example, Derral Eves is a certified YouTube Expert. He started off his YouTube Campaign back in 2006 and recently in 2015 he achieved 100,000 subscribers mark… He is one of the most famous YouTubers who guides new YouTubers and Video Creators about YouTube and Video Making on this platform.

In the past, Derral covered various categories in his Vlogging, but his YouTube Guide (videos) turned out to be very successful.

The purpose to share his success story is, you have to be consistent, daring and patient in order to achieve authority in your space.

5. How would I select the niche of my blog?

There is a lot of discussion on Niche-Selection on the web. People have been asking and experts have been telling about the niche-selection for years… Still it matters because, it’s about knowing the fact of Niche-Selection and making the right decision.

Niche Blog

Niche Blog


Niche isn’t something you have to select every day. It’s one of the most important steps for any blogger to choose the niche of his/her blog. Analyze your passion, scope of marketing, target audience and monetization factor before selecting the niche.

Event Based Niche Blog

6. How would I Increase my subscribers?

Everyone wants to Increase subscribers. Actually you need to be active, smart and patient. Yes, altogether!

Just tell yourself that you need to test a variety of strategies for getting more subscribers. Once you do that, your sub-conscious mind would preferably be looking towards either side…

If you don’t do this, then the burden of failure would be unbearable, which is not a good option for a Problogger!

Increase Blog Subscribers

Increase Blog Subscribers


Ask people really nicely. Well, does it work? You might be thinking right now.

Try to help people, you need to be in-between them to know their lacking points and problems. Create a solution, pitch them and wait for the response to come…

Try to be social and friendly. You’d start building up the momentum.

Now asking people, helping them and writing great content filled with solutions won’t be a standalone strategy to get you subscribers.

Use Marketing tools like SumoMe to collect emails on your WordPress blog. One of the easiest ways to start making audience is building up the email list. Use Mail Chimp as your Email Marketing Software to run your Email Marketing campaign.

Your Turn Now

Tell me what would you do if you’d be starting a blog to make money? What else would you tell any newbie blogger who is just taking the start in Blogging?

This Article Is Contributed By Hassaan Khan. He is a Blogger and Content Creator. He is a contributor at StudentLance, Online Tutoring Portal. He helps brands to reach their audience through Content Marketing. Follow, Meet and Greet Hassaan on Twitter and Facebook..

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About the author


Hassaan Khan is a Blogger and Content Creator. He has assisted Companies from Switzerland, Canada, China, UAE, and Pakistan. He loves his dog 'Milo'. He likes to write his personal blog.

1 Comment

  • Great post! You’ve pretty much covered everything when it comes to what bloggers need to do for their blogs.

    In addition to writing great content for your blog, it definitely involves determining your target audience. If you have done your research, you will know what makes your audience ticks and what they want to read from your blog. Doing this will let you create more focused blog posts that will surely gain lots more traffic.

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