Home Improvement

Pool Maintenance Tips for A Healthy Swimming Pool

Your swimming pool is a lovely focal point for your house and an awesome family fun and relaxation area. Regular care is necessary, though, if you want to make the most of your pool and ensure a long lifespan.

Nothing is more soothing on a hot summer than a refreshing pool swim. In addition, a pool can serve as a meeting spot and an excellent poolside party location. However, a pool is an expenditure. Like any investment, you want to ensure it continues to work for as long as possible.

Summer Pool Maintenance Tips

One of the main benefits of pool cleaning is saving money. Pool cleaning services are very affordable compared to the cost of pool repairs. But in a neglected pool, debris may build up and clog the filter or drain. Clogged drains left unattended and unfixed could eventually damage and ruin the pool motors. Here is a list of some typical pool maintenance procedures.

Verify the water’s quality

You must first keep in mind frequently testing the water’s quality and adding the necessary chemicals when maintaining your pool. A chemically unbalanced pool may harbor bacteria, seem foggy, and be unsafe for swimming.

Chlorine in a swimming pool is commonplace. It maintains the water pristine, secure, and unclouded. But to keep your water balanced, you’ll need to monitor several compounds in addition to chlorine. Maintaining a pH balance as close to neutral as feasible is the most crucial balancing task. A pool’s pH level should ideally be around 7.4.

The water quality should be checked at least once a week throughout the summer. Even though you won’t need to check the pool as much in the winter, you should. Testing chemical levels throughout the winter typically only needs to be done once every two weeks or less.

Restore the filter

Regular cleaning of the filter is the second consideration while keeping your pool. While you won’t need to check the chemicals as frequently, your pool needs to have its filter cleaned regularly to maintain its aesthetic appeal and proper operation.

Depending on the condition of your pool and the weather, you should clean the filter every three to six months. However, a filter needs to be cleaned sooner because of the frequent downpours.

Clear out the collection pots and baskets

Examine your pool’s filter and the numerous collection containers and baskets. It would be ideal if you first cleaned the lint and hair trap on the pool pump. Additionally, it’s crucial to clean the tiles in your pool regularly. The tiles are prone to growing a film of disgusting slime made of human waste and possibly some algae, just like the liner in your pool. Maintaining a clean deck is another standard recommendation that some people still disregard.

Examine the water level

Maintaining the water level will keep your pool in great shape. However, the pump may malfunction due to low water levels, burn out, or run dry. Water levels that are too high can also be a concern. For instance, the skimmer door might not work correctly because of the high water levels. Ensure that the water level in your pool skimmer remains level.

Leaky Pool

One pool leak can significantly increase your water expenses and shorten the life of your pool. Even though it could be challenging to find a pool leak, staying silent could have disastrous effects. According to Leak Science, a leading Pool Leak Detection Services, ‘The most common sign of a leak is excessive water at the edge of the pool, which can lead to muddy areas or even puddles.’

A leak in your pool could also let in soil and other debris, in addition to water loss. Due to this, it is challenging to keep the pool clean and maintain an appropriate level of acidity and alkalinity. Algae and moss will subsequently start to grow as a result. Hiring a professional is usually a sensible move, especially when weighed against the potential consequences of a persistent pool leak.

Prepare your pool for winter

After summer, if you leave your pool in its current state, you’ll quickly return to a mess that needs a spring cleaning. Even worse, leaving your pool unattended for that long can harm its internal systems because they are exposed to the chilly, unkempt chemicals. So here are easy steps to winterize your pool.

  1. Conduct a thorough cleaning that includes backwashing the filter and shocking the water.
  2. Lower the water level; the degree of lower depends on the type of cover you have.
  3. Put the pool cover on for the season.

Green Pool

If swimming pools aren’t maintained, algae can build up and give them a swampy, green appearance. A green pool can be fixed by addressing the water’s chemical imbalance. You can swiftly get it done for you by professional pool cleaning services. From there, keep your pool clean and well-maintained to stop this repeating issue. Your filter should always work well to avoid a stagnant pool. It encourages the perfect environment for algae and other critters to develop.

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About the author

Sophia Britt

My name is Sophia and I live in the suburbs of Chicago. I offer real world experience to readers on how to save and smartly spend their money. Plus offer advice on organization, career, business, travel, health, home, education and life.

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