You’ll need all the help you can get
Challenges are a new addition to League of Legends. It’s only been a little over a month, and players scramble to get the tokens and titles from these objectives for their LoL accounts. Of course, each one has its difficulty. You can buy your way through some of them, like for the Collection challenges, but others require player skill and teamwork.

A Brief Description of Challenges
The best way to describe it is they’re what other games would call “achievements”. Challenges are an optional set of objectives players don’t have to do unless they want to. In return for completing them, players can brag about it in their profile with either a title or a unique token.
Completing them also increases your Crystal Rank, which is an aggregation of your Challenge Points, Capstones, and Categories. Ranks ranged from Unranked to Challenger. Those are displayed on your League of Legends accountprofile border, lobby, and loading screen.
Riot has described it as a way for players to:
- Enjoy the game with new objectives.
- Be rewarded for playing with new content.
- Customize their profile and identity.
It certainly does add to the excitement of a game, as you’re no longer just trying to destroy the other team’s nexus. You could be aiming for a specific point in your kill streak or a collector of the game’s many skins.
Challenges have five categories:
- Expertise: measures the player’s skill in crushing their enemies.
- Teamwork & Strategy: challenges the player’s ability to work in a team.
- Imagination: objectives that focus on innovative plays and other game modes.
- Veterency: this category includes challenges involving the player’s lifetime numbers such as enemies killed, gold earned, and other stats.
- Collection: tracks how many skins and other cosmetics the player has acquired.
A different category, the Legacy Challenges, commemorates season-based and past achievements new players will not be able to achieve anymore. These, however, do not contribute to the player’s Crystal Ranking, nor can you level the category up like the others.
The Hardest Challenges
Now, each one has its difficulties. Some are easy enough to be completed as you play casually. Examples of that would be those that require mastery of a champion or you to use an ability for x number of times. Perhaps the easiest would be the Collection challenges because you can complete them by handing over your cash.
On the other extreme are the most demanding challenges in the game. Here are some of the toughest ones:
Can’t Touch This (ARAM) – Imagination
Most players don’t actually touch ARAM mode, so it’s more of “won’t” than “can’t.” At any rate, this challenge wants you to finish a game without dying to an enemy champion. However, the mode incentivizes dying, as you can’t access the shop unless you’ve respawned. You can’t heal unless you grab a health pack from the edges of the map.
It’s truly a challenge because you’re stuck with your starting items from start to finish. Every point of health missing prevents you from completing this challenge. That is unless you use the loophole.
Many players read the description and think that you shouldn’t die even once to anything. Note that it says you shouldn’t respawn by being killed by an enemy champ.
You can still die by suicide, execution, or getting hit by a tower and still get this achievement. This lets you go to the shop to spend gold and fight on an even footing with your team, so you’re not a freeloader just because you’re trying to avoid death.
Not Even Close – Imagination
The objective is to come out of a champion fight with a single-digit health value. It requires luck because many heroes have damage-over-time abilities, and you’re more likely to come out with two or three digits instead. Considering all that, this is a tricky objective to complete on purpose.
Blink and You’ll Miss It – Expertise
To get this, you’ll need to kill an enemy champion who has full health in 1.5 seconds. Doing that is more challenging because of the recent buffs to hero durability.
You’ll have to be faster at leveling up your character or dedicate all your items and abilities to OHK enemies. You can’t be assisted outside of buff/debuffs too much, as 90% of the damage must be yours to get it.
Decimator – Expertise
Decimator (get two pentakills in one game) is slightly more challenging than Death Incarnate (kill 12 champions in 15 minutes). It has the added challenge of keeping the kill streak going, while you can take a few deaths for the latter. Too much, though, and you might run out of time.
The challenge seems simple enough, but matches depend on many other factors. Your team might not work well together, or the enemy team consists of better players. You don’t know what will happen in each round to hinder you from getting this. Simply put, this is easier said than done.
Elemental, My Dear Watson – Teamwork and Strategy
Its description asks the player to win a game with five players from Ixtal. There are six available heroes from that region currently, and no combination among them would result in a balanced team.
Perhaps in the future, this will become easier to achieve. Still, it could be a long wait. This category focuses on teamwork, so you’ll need to cooperate and coordinate well with your team to achieve this.
Variety’s Overrated – Teamwork and Strategy
It’s similar to the above, but the champions should be the same class instead of coming from one region. Again, you’ll be working with a highly unbalanced team. It’s more challenging in a random group, but playing with friends should help with these objectives.
Let’s Make This Quick – Teamwork and Strategy
With superior teamwork, take down the enemy nexus within 15 minutes. It will need all your focus and cooperation to achieve, so find friends to do this with you. The time limit is pretty short, so the team must be efficient and lethal to do this.
Challenge Yourself
These are just a handful of examples and are the hard ones besides. There are other, less challenging ones that you can do instead, but these are the ones that earn recognition from other players. If they don’t respect you, they’ll at least envy you.
Expect more challenges to come in the future! There’s already a ton available, but LoL will improve and add content, or they risk falling behind in the gaming trends. Pretty soon, achievement hunters will have completed all or at least most of them, so they’ll need more to do to keep enjoying the system.
As you collect these achievements and complete challenges, don’t forget to have fun! That’s the point of the game anyway. Go and collect those tokens and titles for your LoL account.
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