There are over 1 million doctors in the United States alone. While some of these doctors take jobs in hospitals, others set out in search of small business success. If a doctor decides to setup a private practice, they will need to put the right people in place to help them out.
Having an experienced and capable medical office manager can help a doctor focus more on patient care and less on the day to day operations of their office. If you are a medical office manager, you know all too well how stressful this job can be.
Are you trying to become a better medical office manager? If so, check out the following tips for success.
1] Avoid Managing Solely From Your Desk
When trying to be an effective manager, you will have to get your hands dirty from time to time. If the staff in the medical facility you manage don’t respect you, it will be hard to get the most out of them. You want your staff to see that you are willing to get in the trenches with them and help out.
The only way you can tell if a medical practice is running efficiently is by observing your staff in action. You will be hard pressed to view this action from the confines of your office. While you will need to spend some time in your office, try to focus on spending the majority of your time on the floor with your team.
2] Answer Calls and Emails in a Timely Manner
Medical office managers receive a lot of calls and emails from medical supply representatives and others in the business. The last thing you want is to let your messages get full due to the time and effort it will take you to go through them. By staying on top of these messages, you can avoid letting them build up.
Setting aside an hour or so each day to field calls and messages is a good idea. Doing this will help you stay more organized.
3] Be Fair When Developing a Work Schedule
One of the main concerns you should have as a medical office manager is keeping your staff happy. Each week, you will need to write up a schedule for your staff. Using programs like Humanity will allow you to get a schedule drawn up in a timely and efficient manner.
When working up a schedule for the week, you need to try to be as fair as possible. Letting one employee have all of the best days off can lead to lots of problems. Working out a system to rotate these days can help you remain fair and neutral with your schedules.
4] Marketing Your Practice is a Good Idea
If the doctor you work for is trying to attract new patients, helping them with their marketing efforts is a good idea. By taking the time to establish social media pages for your practice, you can reach out directly to your core demographic.
The key to having success in this marketing forum is posting relevant content on a consistent basis. By posting consistently, you can stay fresh in the minds of your followers.
Becoming a better medical office manager will not be an overnight process. The time and energy you put into building your skills as an office manager will pay off.