Internet Marketing SEO

Should You Outsource Your SEO?

As most modern companies are well aware, a robust SEO strategy isn’t just beneficial—it’s essential. It’s the secret sauce that makes your website discoverable, drives organic traffic, and enhances user experience. But while the importance of SEO is nearly universally recognized, there’s a recurring debate among businesses: Should SEO be managed in-house, or is it wiser to outsource to specialized agencies?

Navigating this question isn’t merely about choosing a method—it’s about selecting a strategic path that will influence your company’s digital trajectory for years to come. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the pros and cons of both approaches, aiming to provide clarity and guide you toward an informed decision that aligns best with your organization’s needs and aspirations.

Reasons to Outsource Your SEO

Understanding In-house SEO

SEO is a multifaceted discipline, and when it’s managed internally, the process entails keeping everything—from strategy to execution—under one roof. But what exactly does this entail, and what are its potential advantages and drawbacks?

Pros of Internal SEO Teams

At its core, in-house SEO involves having dedicated personnel within your company responsible for all SEO-related tasks. This team is ingrained within your organization’s fabric, making them inherently familiar with your brand, products, services, and overarching business goals. This, in turn, offers the following benefits:

  • Complete Control: Handling SEO internally provides you with unparalleled control. Every strategic decision, campaign, or tweak can be overseen directly, ensuring that everything aligns perfectly with your brand’s voice and objectives.
  • Seamless Communication: One of the most significant assets of an in-house team is the ease of communication. Queries can be resolved in real-time, and collaborative efforts are streamlined, reducing the chance of misunderstandings or missed opportunities.
  • Integrated Efforts with Other Departments: An in-house SEO team has the inherent advantage of collaborating seamlessly with other departments. Whether it’s the content team, PR, marketing, or sales, the close proximity and familiarity lead to a unified and cohesive approach.

Cons of In-house SEO

The coin has two sides, and so does handling SEO internally. The potential drawback are:

  • Resource Constraints: Building an effective in-house SEO team isn’t just about hiring the right talent. It involves continuous training, access to the latest tools and platforms, and sometimes, a significant financial investment.
  • Knowledge Limitations: Even the most competent in-house teams can sometimes face limitations in knowledge or experience, especially when confronted with new challenges or rapidly evolving SEO dynamics.
  • Risk of Tunnel Vision: An in-house team, while deeply attuned to the company’s ethos, might sometimes lack external perspectives. This can lead to strategies becoming repetitive or stagnant, missing out on innovative solutions or fresh viewpoints.

To sum up, in-house SEO offers a level of intimacy, control, and brand coherence that’s challenging to replicate. However, it also comes with its unique challenges, mainly centered around resource allocation, potential knowledge gaps, and the risk of becoming too insular.

Diving into Outsourced SEO

Navigating the vast landscape of SEO often leads enterprise companies to consider external experts, in the form of agencies like or freelancers. Outsourcing SEO essentially involves handing over the reins of your search engine strategy and execution to specialized third parties.

Pros of Outsourcing SEO

But why do companies opt for this, and what benefits does it carry? 

  • Specialized Expertise on Tap: Most SEO agencies and consultants have amassed extensive experience across diverse sectors, offering a wellspring of tried-and-tested strategies and unique insights that can be invaluable.
  • Access to State-of-the-Art Tools: Professional SEO agencies invest heavily in cutting-edge tools and technologies, ensuring that your website benefits from the latest best practices and data-driven strategies.
  • Cost-Effective in the Long Run: While the upfront costs might seem higher, outsourcing can often be more economical in the long run. This is especially true when you factor in the costs associated with hiring, training, and retaining an in-house team, as well as procuring premium tools.
  • Fresh Perspective: An external entity can view your SEO landscape with fresh eyes, unencumbered by internal biases or preconceived notions. This can lead to innovative strategies or uncovering overlooked opportunities.

Cons of Outsourcing SEO

While the below factors can be managed, you can’t deny the fact that these issues can arise:

  • Potential Communication Barriers: Collaborating with an external team may sometimes introduce communication lags or misunderstandings, especially if they operate in a different time zone or cultural context.
  • Less Direct Control: Outsourcing inevitably entails surrendering a certain degree of control over day-to-day decisions and strategies. For companies that value close oversight, this can be a concern.
  • Concerns Over Data Security: Entrusting critical business data to an external agency always carries inherent risks. It’s vital to vet the agency’s data handling and confidentiality protocols to mitigate potential breaches.
  • Lack of Brand Intimacy: Even the most diligent agency might not grasp the subtle nuances of your brand as intimately as an in-house team. This could, at times, lead to strategies that may not wholly resonate with your brand voice or ethos.

In essence, outsourcing SEO offers the allure of specialized expertise, advanced tools, and potentially greater cost-effectiveness. However, it also presents challenges in communication, control, and brand alignment.

Key Considerations Before Making a Decision

As you mull over the choice between managing SEO in-house or hiring an SEO team for your enterprise, it’s essential to consider a few key factors. Each business is unique, and what works for one might not necessarily be ideal for another. Here’s what you should keep in mind:


Hiring, training, and maintaining a dedicated SEO team can be a significant expense, especially when factoring in tools, software, and ongoing training. While hiring an agency might seem like a considerable outlay initially, it could prove more cost-effective in the long run, especially if you consider the overheads and potential inefficiencies of an in-house team.


Does your current team possess the SEO expertise required? If not, are you prepared to invest in training or hiring specialists? Agencies typically bring a breadth of experience from working with various clients, potentially offering a more diverse skill set.

Control vs. Flexibility

Managing SEO internally gives you direct control over every aspect. However, it might also mean slower adaptation to new trends or best practices. While you might cede some day-to-day control, an external agency could offer quicker adaptability and a wider array of strategies.

Integration with Other Departments

An internal team can seamlessly integrate SEO strategies with other departments, ensuring a unified approach. As for external teams, collaboration might require more effort, but an external perspective can also bring fresh insights to these departments.

Long-term vs. Short-term

Building a team is a long-term commitment, ensuring a consistent focus on your SEO strategy. Outsourcing allows for more flexibility. You can engage with agencies for short-term projects or specific needs, without long-term commitments.


Being closely involved might lead to a lack of fresh perspectives or adherence to legacy strategies. An external agency can offer a fresh, unbiased viewpoint, potentially highlighting areas of improvement you hadn’t considered.

Navigating the SEO Crossroads

As businesses increasingly recognize the indispensability of a robust online presence, the SEO pathway they choose becomes crucial. Both in-house and outsourced SEO bring their distinct advantages and challenges, making it less about which is inherently better and more about which aligns better with a brand’s unique needs, aspirations, and constraints.

Remember, SEO is not a one-size-fits-all venture. It’s an evolving discipline, and as the digital landscape shifts, so too might your needs. Whether you opt for the intimate knowledge and control of an in-house team or the expansive expertise and fresh perspectives of an outsourced agency, the end goal remains the same: to amplify your brand’s voice in the vast digital expanse.

By reflecting on the considerations discussed, you’re better equipped to make an informed decision. Whichever route you choose, ensure it’s a journey driven by strategy, adaptability, and a relentless pursuit of digital excellence.

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About the author

Sophia Britt

My name is Sophia and I live in the suburbs of Chicago. I offer real world experience to readers on how to save and smartly spend their money. Plus offer advice on organization, career, business, travel, health, home, education and life.

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