The best things in life come for free, goes the saying. Can you get anything for free? Most probably not, but there are some things that you can get for free, and this includes a well-designed, free landing page that converts.

Before we get to the point, we have to establish one thing: despite a difference in individual strategies, there are certain elements that are common for all landing pages. Here, we will take a look at just a few of them.
1] A headline that nails it.
Like with newspaper’s first page, a well-thought-over, catchy headline does it all. Well, maybe not all, but it definitely catches attention and encourages your prospect clients to stay and explore. If it gives a comprehensive description of the product/service up to 20 words, then you’re home.
2] Should I stay or should I go?
A catching the visitors’ attention, it’s a sound strategy to somehow keep them engaged. This can be achieved by subheadings. Persuasive subheadings. They should give away some – but not all – information on the product, and engage the reader to dig deeper.
3] A picture worth a thousand words.
This is self-explanatory. Eye-catching heading and informative and persuasive subheads are not enough. Images are processed much faster than words, this means that any image you embed on your site will have an immediate effect on your viewers.
4] Do I make myself clear?
People like to know what they’re up against. Take advantage of it by clearly explaining what to expect from your service/product. If you don’t do that, you’ll most probably lose your client before they make it to the CTA.
5] No pain, no gain.
Would you like a free gift voucher? Or would you like to lose an opportunity to get a free gift voucher? You need to convince people that by clicking or not clicking a button they will lose a one-time opportunity. And as much as people like to receive free gifts, they twice as much hate losing a chance of getting them.
6] We will get back to you.
Of course, a landing page without any contact details is going to look a bit fishy… You have to provide a method of contact, preferably several methods (phone, e-mail, Skype, etc.), as well as a pop-up that will ensure them there are people on the other side waiting to help them.
7] Assurance.
People love to be reassured about anything they’d like to purchase, a service or a product. Regardless of its presentation, form, and content, a carefully selected guarantee can help your clients make up their minds.
8] Call to Action.
This is a crucial part of any landing page. The bigger, the flashier, the better. There is little sense in making clients scroll through all the great content you’ve prepared if they are left with nothing in the end.
So a compelling CTA (Call to Action) that stands out will help you get your leads. Just remember not to use phrases such as “submit”, or “send” – you will only scare them off.
Remembering all of the above doesn’t guarantee success. However, sticking to those will provide you with high converting landing pages.