A love for the legal system and the ability to be self-sufficient are just the start of what your child needs to get into law school. Once they have passion and confidence, they need to review when the next steps are for ensuring their admittance. You can also be part of this process. This is how to help your child prepare to get into law school.

1] Find the Best School For Them
With more than 200 law schools in the United States, your child needs to find the program that’s right for them. Factors worth considering are location, cost, and specific requirements for admissions.
Your child might have their heart set on one particular school, but they shouldn’t limit themselves, as applying to only one school can be a huge strike to their ego and put them in a bad situation due to lack of a back-up plan.
They also shouldn’t put too much emphasis on school. While some law schools are more famed than others, what really matters is how your child applies themselves and finds a connection with their classes and professors.
2] LSAT Prep
Before your child can be accepted to a law school, they must pass the LSAT. This entrance exam covers the kind of things any aspiring law students must show at least some proficiency in. This includes strong reading skills and being able to use logic to solve a problem. Help them prepare by going over practice tests with them.
If they get an answer wrong, look at the correct one and discuss why it was likely deemed correct. Being able to understand the format and general tone of the LSAT will help. Look for registration for the LSAT as early as good. Taking care of registration for the LSAT early will give them more time to focus on more important matters.
3] Admissions Essays
One of the greatest qualities a lawyer can have is being persuasive. They need to use the law to support their arguments, but they also need to be articulate and bring people to their side. Your child’s law school essays are very important for convincing a school that they’ll be right for their program.
They need to follow the prompt and give their essay a good structure with rousing arguments for their admittance and no filler.
4] Keeping Track of Deadlines
Your child needs to stay organized so they can get all their law school application duties fulfilled. The range for when they can turn in their admissions materials is quite large, but that doesn’t mean they should put things off.
They also shouldn’t try to rush to get things done as soon as possible either. Have them go at whatever pace is comfortable, but don’t stop reminding them. They might see it as nagging, but you know it’s for their own good.
5] Staying Excited
The stress of preparing for law school might start to overtake your child’s desire to join the legal world. In order to keep them from feeling demoralized, do all you can to keep their excitement levels up.
Ask them about what kinds of classes they’re most interested in taking. Look up videos or stories about revered lawyers. You want to help them imagine themselves making their mark in the legal world.
Getting into law school is cause for celebration. Your child may have a lot more ground to cover, but for the time being, you’ll both be able to bask in knowing that they’ve done something so impressive.
If you help them put in the work required to get into law school, you can influence them to put in the work to get through law school.