Best Printed Marketing Materials To Promote Your Blog Or Websites. There are currently over 600 million websites in the world, according to a Netcraft survey. No matter the size or type of business your run, if you want to beat your most powerful competitors or go global, you may focus your efforts on designing a unique and outstanding website. Getting your business online will help you reach hundreds if not thousands of potential customers.

Essentially, a successful website needs these resources: a clear message, easy navigation, quality content, responsive web design and social media integration. Once your website is up and running you should concentrate on letting people know your website exists, in other words: promote it. One of the crucial ways to boost your online presence is by improving your SEO. Did you know that 75 percent of Internet users never scroll past the first page of search results? (As stated by HubSpot).
Printed Marketing Material Ideas
SEO is no longer an option; it is vital today. However not even a strong SEO strategy is guaranteed to get you to the top -you need to think outside the box. Besides SEO, I personally promote my website easily and inexpensively with printed materials, which engage customers long-term. I get custom printing from an online printer at very affordable prices.
Printed Marketing Materials for Promote Your Websites Or Blog
My strategy is based on continuous visibility for brand awareness. Take a look at some of the printed marketing materials that I use, and you can too, to promote a website:
1. Put Your Website URL on Your Personalized Letterheads
In the business world, letterheads are perhaps one of the most important and underrated communication tools. Letterheads are a powerful way to market your business information and present your business in a professional way. The main purpose of letterheads is to provide customers and suppliers vital business information in a seemingly subtle, but actually hard-to-miss way.

Include your website’s URL boldly to establish credibility and develop a strong brand identity. Design it -or request a design- that places it in a way that either centers it or directs the eye to it. Subconsciously, by repetition, your url is being positioned in the viewer’s mind. If the experience and correspondence is positive, your positioning will automatically improve and go up.
2. Add a QR Code To Your Business Cards
Business Cards are one of the most effective conversation starters. To make your business stand out and grab your audience’s attention, take your custom business cards everywhere you go. The great thing about QR codes is that they can link directly to your webpage. As you cannot clutter your business cards with too much information- but need to include logo, name, website URL, general contact information and still leave whitespace- QR codes add value to your business cards, when used properly. For example, I designed sophisticated Spot UV business cards (with the same guys from before) – they are appealing to the eye and best of all affordable.

Bonus Tip: I added a Spot UV layer to the code -a printing finish that adds a little varnish to only sections of the card- and saw great results when compared to plain ones that I had handed out before.
3. Implement Tangible Catalogs (a Versatile Marketing Tool)
A strong online presence helps you spread the word about your business, increase brand awareness and help build credibility. On the other hand, printed catalogs help you consolidate your corporate identity as they have the appearance of modern magazines. Catalogs are the perfect alternative for those who prefer to read on paper.
For example, if you have a dental supply business, giving away catalogs (with your URL for more info) helps you become a handy resource at your customer’s disposal. Educate your customers about your business, services, advantages and opportunities in the industry and invite them to find out more at your site or landing page -it’s a slow, but steady stream of direct traffic that helps you diversify your profile.
4. Promote Your Business With Custom Mugs
Holidays are a perfect occasion to give your loyal customers a gift. A generally appreciated and convenient gift are custom printed coffee mugs; they’re handy both at home and at the office and they can showcase any design you can think of -again adding your domain name is key!

What do you think about the idea shown in the picture? I think is terrific!
If you are looking to promote your website, add offline strategies to the necessary SEO and occasional PPC efforts you have going on right now. Consider using the printed materials mentioned above as marketing strategies not only to promote your website but your overall business.
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