Social Media YouTube

5 Ways to Increase Your YouTube Subscribers Through Twitter

With more than 353 million active users, Twitter holds the place among the top five most popular social media platforms. It is the only online community that is fully public which also makes it a highly controversial one.

Ways to Increase YouTube Subscribers & Views Using Twitter

Increase YouTube Subscribers & Views Using Twitter

Twitter also has the highest engagement rate of the audience. Therefore, it can easily be used as a weapon to convert your followers into YouTube views and subscribers.

However, content creators can always buy YouTube subscribers to boost their channel but you can save this cost by learning some smart tips and tricks to increase YouTube subscribers through Twitter. So, why not learn them?

Here are some ways to grow your YouTube channel by gaining subscribers using Twitter.

Add Your YouTube Channel Link in Twitter Bio

Whenever you post something on Twitter you attract people to your profile. Your audience will visit your Twitter profile to learn more about you. Therefore, it is one of the best opportunities for you to convert your viewers into loyal subscribers.

Adding your YouTube channel’s link in your Twitter bio will redirect viewers to your channel where they can learn more about you and your content. Apart from this, you should also mention in your bio that you are a YouTuber.

It is also necessary for you to have a fascinating Twitter profile as they say the first impression is the last. You can always expand your horizons by learning about ways to grow your Twitter profile.

Connect Your YouTube With Twitter

If your YouTube channel is not connected with your Twitter account then you are probably missing out on a lot of engagement. By connecting both the accounts you’ll get a notification when someone auto-tweets by liking your video. The notification will mention the account of that person and then you can engage directly with them.

This will allow you to connect with a larger audience and find loyal viewers and subscribers. It will also help you to grow both your Twitter account and YouTube channel simultaneously.

This can be easily done by logging into your YouTube account in the creator studio. You just have to choose ‘Connected accounts’ and then log in to your Twitter account. If you want to customize your tweets you get the option to turn off automatic tweets.

Use Trending Hashtags to Reach Higher Audience

If you want to boost your YouTube channel then Twitter is one of the major tools you need in your arsenal. The world of Twitter is run by hashtags and if you want to thrive in this world, you ought to know the latest trends.

You have to keep a keen eye on trending hashtags and share posts related to them. If you want to effectively drive the traffic to your YouTube channel then pair your relevant videos with trending hashtags. Also, there should always be a connection between the hashtag and your video.

The common mistake people make is to spam the post with hashtags and eventually get their accounts blocked. The best way is to stick with two to three appropriate hashtags and reach the target audience. Along with hashtags you also need to have a good caption for your post.

Promote Your Channel With Viral Tweet

Whenever your tweet starts gaining popularity just add the link to your YouTube channel in a reply. This is a great opportunity for you to promote your YouTube channel by drawing the attention of your followers.

Along with the link, you should also add catchy lines like “Check out the funniest stuff on my YouTube Channel”. These replies threads are a great way to expand the reach of your YouTube channel and improve its visibility.

This is one of the best ways for content creators to make the most out of their Twitter accounts by getting free advertising. Get a whole lot of new subscribers through the link posted in replies.

Pin a Video to Your Twitter Profile

Video is one of the best ways to leave a great impression. Make a short video of one minute and pin it to your Twitter profile. The main benefit is if someone visits your profile the video auto-plays which is much more powerful than text.

You can give a brief intro about yourself or modify your YouTube trailer and upload it directly on Twitter. In this way, viewers can catch your story more effectively.

Also, don’t forget to mention your YouTube channel in the caption. Make an interesting video with great content to get quality views and likes.

With the above tips and tricks in mind, your Twitter account will eventually become a machine to convert viewers into subscribers on your YouTube channel. They will also help you grow your influence on both social media platforms.

Worthy Twitter and YouTube marketing tips can be hard to come by, but in this article, you’ll learn how to increase your Twitter followers and eventually boost your YouTube reach through Twitter.

So, what are you waiting for? Link your channel in your bio and get started!

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About the author

Sophia Britt

My name is Sophia and I live in the suburbs of Chicago. I offer real world experience to readers on how to save and smartly spend their money. Plus offer advice on organization, career, business, travel, health, home, education and life.

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