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Understanding Liability In A Sideswipe Accident: Key Factors to Consider

Let’s say you’re cruising down the open road, a good tune playing on the radio. Suddenly, another vehicle swerves into your lane and sideswipes your car.

Shocking, isn’t it? These types of accidents, known as sideswipe accidents, can happen to anyone. They can lead to confusing situations regarding liability, especially if it isn’t clear who caused the swerve.

Understanding Liability In A Sideswipe Accident

So in this article, we’re going to delve into the complexities of liability in a sideswipe accident.

Location of the Impact

One of the key factors that can influence who is at fault in a sideswipe collision is the location of the impact. If your car was hit on the side closest to the other vehicle, they were likely responsible for swerving into your lane. However, if you were in their blind spot and they couldn’t see you before changing lanes, the fault may be shared.

Evidence at the Scene

Another important factor to consider is the evidence. This includes witness accounts, skid marks, and damage to both vehicles.

If any witnesses saw the other driver swerve into your lane, it can be strong evidence in your favor. Skid marks can also indicate which vehicle was responsible for changing lanes abruptly. And finally, examining the damage to each car can help determine who hit who first.

Road and Weather Conditions

The road and weather conditions can also determine sideswipe collision responsibility. If it was raining or snowing, visibility may have been reduced, making it harder for the other driver to see your vehicle before swerving. Similarly, if there were any potholes or debris on the road that caused the other driver to lose control, they may not be fully liable for the accident.

Driving Behavior

The driving behavior of both parties involved will also be taken into consideration. If the other driver was speeding or weaving in and out of lanes before the sideswipe occurred, they may be at fault.

Traffic Rules

Traffic rules and signs are important when determining fault in a sideswipe collision. If one driver ignored a yield sign or a no lane change sign, they might well be found guilty of causing the accident. Traffic cameras or witness testimonies can be crucial proof in this context.

Vehicle Maintenance

The state of the vehicles involved in the accident is another factor to consider in determining liability in sideswipe crash. If a driver’s inability to maintain lane discipline was due to worn-out tires, this could affect responsibility. So it is essential to examine the maintenance records of both vehicles.

Police Report

Finally, the police report is a crucial piece of evidence. The officers on the scene will document their observations in determining fault in sideswipe collisions. This could include anything from the apparent cause of the accident to signs of impaired driving.

Discrepancies in the drivers’ accounts of the incident, as well as any citations issued at the scene, can also indicate fault. It could help you if you hire a lawyer like Steve Dimopoulos to fight for your case.

Consider These Factors When You Get Involved in a Sideswipe Accident

Determining liability in a sideswipe accident can be complex and depends on many variables. It’s essential to consider each of these factors in the unfortunate event of finding yourself involved in such a situation.

Remember, every detail counts, and the more information you can provide, the better your case will be evaluated. Stay safe on the roads, and always remember to drive responsibly.

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About the author

Sophia Britt

My name is Sophia and I live in the suburbs of Chicago. I offer real world experience to readers on how to save and smartly spend their money. Plus offer advice on organization, career, business, travel, health, home, education and life.

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