
5 Signs that Indicate You Need a Career Change

Humans are constantly growing evolving creatures and even as you go through various life changes, it is understandable that the evolution is reflected in your dreams and aspirations. As the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports, having stepped out of college at around age 25 and for the next 5 to 10 years, most workers will have changed their jobs at least 5 times. Several factors can influence your decision to look for better options out there. And, if you’ve been wondering if it is time for a career change, it probably is.

Sure Signs Now Is the Time for a Career Change

Signs You're Ready for A Career Change

Read ahead for 5 signs that indicate you need to pull out your resume and start working on it.

1) Are You Enthusiastic About Your Job?

If you enjoy what you do and look forward to each day with eager anticipation of the tasks assigned to you, that’s the right job for you. But, when you start to feel stagnated and that the job doesn’t excite you anymore, it’s time to move on. As long as the company and bosses appreciate your talents and provide opportunities so you can use your potential to the maximum and excel at what you do, you’re good. Are you learning and growing on the job?

If you’re not, then you may want to look for a company that offers opportunities for growth and personal development. Go ahead, opt for a career change, and step out of that comfort zone.

2) Does Your Job Take Too Much from You?

While stagnation is bad for a professional, so is overtaxing and stress. If you’re overworked with more on your plate than you can handle, talk to your boss. Often times, in an effort to raise productivity, you may have compromise on the quality of your output. When you see such situations coming up, do what you can to fix the problem and explore the reasons behind the exhaustion.

For instance, if the commute is difficult, ask if you can work from home. Talk to your bosses about cutting back on the workload. If your concerns are not addressed and you find that they’re affecting your health, go for that career change.

3) Does the Company Work Culture Match Your Thought Processes?

Many employees opt for a career change when they feel that the company work ethics and office ambience aren’t conducive for growth like for instance, office politics, unhealthy, hostile competition in the workplace with backbiting and running down of colleagues. Or, even issues like gender and age discrimination in addition to unfair promotions.

Other reasons can include methods of conducting business like when customer complaints aren’t handled efficiently. If situations like these cause you mental discomfort and stress, you could want to look for a company that takes better care of its stakeholders.

Does the Company Work Culture Match Your Thought Processes?

4) Are You Receiving Adequate Remuneration?

As a smart professional, you must conduct regular research on the ongoing rates of salaries, bonuses, and other perks offered by other companies in your field along with insurance and retirement funds. Match them with the remuneration you’re earning and job responsibilities.

If you think you’re being compensated fairly, that’s great. But, if you’re not, request for fair salary hikes. If you deserve a promotion, go ahead and talk about it during performance assessments. If your efforts don’t pay off, it’s perfectly reasonable to look for a career change.

5) Are You Achieving Job Satisfaction?

Achieving Job Satisfaction - Career Planner

When you step out of school armed with a bunch a degrees and qualifications, you may have a specific profession in mind that you’ve set your heart on pursuing. However, it is possible that a few years down the line, you feel that the profession you’ve chosen is not the right one for you and you would be much happier following a completely different line of work.

If this is you, opt for a career change and find a job that is better suited to your capabilities and talents. Making this decision can assure you of job satisfaction and long-term success.

Explore Your Reasons Carefully Before Making the Plunge

Looking for another job or possibly, a different profession is a major decision that you must think over very carefully before acting.

Author of Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant; How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job and national workplace expert, Lynn Taylor says,

“Examine what’s right with your current position, instead of focusing on the wrongs. Ensure that you’ve confronted problems directly and uncovered every possible communications avenue, with everyone involved; prepare a ‘solutions’ document to consider all the steps that could improve your current job; and take a hard look at the risks involved with leaving.”

Prepare Carefully for Making the Transition

When getting ready for a career change, you may want to take a few steps to ensure that the transition is smooth and won’t affect your lifestyle and earnings in a big way. Keep these pointers in mind.

  1. Explore the market and your expectations and aspirations. Are you looking for a similar job or a distinct line? Are you willing to take salary cuts when settling for something you really want to do?
  2. Check your qualifications and if they’ll match the new positions you’re looking for. If needed, you might want to invest in courses and training to raise your eligibility.
  3. Put together a complete resume that lists all your accomplishments in the past job in detail. You might also want to prepare for interview questions where you may have to describe your reasons for quitting the old position. Offer accurate but positive responses.
  4. Get an image makeover with a new hairdo and wardrobe that reflects your optimism and fresh outlook towards life and your career. If you need to lose weight, adopt a healthy diet and exercise regimen. For an added boost try the many liposuction non invasive alternatives out there. Remember, obesity can affect your chances of landing the job you want.

As long as you have perfectly valid reasons for opting for a career change, the transition need not be scary and uncertain. By making the move at the opportune time, you might be doing your career a huge favor. Be confident about your decision and you’re sure to be successful in whatever you do next. 🙂

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About the author

Michael Austin

Michael Austin is a Internet Entrepreneur, Blogger, Day Dreamer, Business Guy, Fitness Freak and Digital Marketing Specialist. He also helps companies to grow their online businesses.

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