Home Improvement

Dealing With A Rodent Invasion: Signs and Solutions

Mice and rats are never welcome guests in people’s houses. Innocent on the surface, these tiny furry pests can be a source of much inconvenience and potential harm if they choose to dwell on your property. From gnawing on wires and damaging structures to spreading nasty diseases to people and pets – their presence poses plenty of risks that no one should ignore.

In addition to personal residences, these critters also fancy commercial establishments. Just imagine a restaurant, a supermarket warehouse, or other similar venue being infiltrated with rats that leave behind waste, damage property, and scare off customers.

Dealing with a Rodent Invasion

Whether it is your home or your business that is targeted by these unwanted intruders, it is absolutely crucial to address and prevent critter issues promptly and expertly. And while there is no shortage of DIY tips on how to get rid of rats and mice, seeking professional assistance from rat exterminator services like Critter Stop is often the most effective and reliable approach to ensure complete and humane removal and long-term control.

How to Tell If Your Property Has Been Invaded by Rodents?

Mice and rats, though small, can cause significant trouble in places they share with people. To determine if rodents have invaded your property, look for the following signs:

  • Droppings: dark and moist droppings that turn gray and dry over time are a clear sign of rodent presence. Most likely places to find these are various food sources like cupboards, pantries, and kitchen cabinets.
  • Gnaw and bite marks: spotting gnawed wires and furniture will tell that you have a rat or mouse problem. Other possible objects of rodent interest are cardboard boxes, food packaging, and drywall that rodents tend to bite through in search of food.
  • Nesting materials: discovering shredded materials such as paper, straw, fabric, or bio-waste piled up in hidden corners of the house could point to a nest. To be sure, inspect the debris for bite marks and droppings.
  • Strange noises: unusual scratching or scurrying sounds that bother you at nighttime could indicate rodent activity.
  • Unusual pet behavior: rodents bring a new smell and a sense of restlessness, which can disturb your pets and make them behave differently. Dogs and cats might start displaying heightened interest in particular areas if they detect a rat or a mouse nearby.
  • Foul odor: sniffing a foul odor of stale ammonia in certain places around your house can indicate a rodent infestation. That is what rodents urine smells like.
  • Rodent runaways: rodents are creatures of habit and use the same paths to move around your house. If you see tiny footprints in the dust or dirt, you might have been able to identify one of their runways. Spreading some flour on the area will help prove or refute the theory.

The above signs might not stand out to you if there are only a couple of pesky rodents snooping around your property. However, if you are dealing with an infestation in progress, the symptoms will surely be hard to miss. And once you’ve identified the problem, it is time to take action.

5 Super Easy DIY Rodent Extermination Tips

Keeping bothersome critters away from your property does not have to be complicated or exhaustive. Here are five simple do-it-yourself tips to help you win the battle against unwanted guests:

  1. Seal entry points: find and close any openings that rodents can squeeze through. Pay particular attention to cracks and gaps around doors, windows, and pipes.
  2. Remove food sources: store food in airtight containers and clean the floor and surfaces regularly to remove any crumbs or food residue that might attract hungry rodents.
  3. Set live traps: if you suspect you are dealing with one or two rodents in the house, consider setting humane traps that will catch but not kill the creatures.
  4. Use essence oils to scare off mice and rats: these rodents can’t stand the smell of peppermint oil and will likely avoid your property if you place peppermint oil-soaked cotton balls at the potential entry points.
  5. Clean up any debris and keep a tidy yard: trim overgrown vegetation, clear debris, and store firewood away from your home. Also, tidy up areas in the attic or basement where piles of trash tend to accumulate over time. It should give nasty rodents fewer spots for hiding.

Using all these tips at once or in specific combinations will help create an environment that is less appealing to rodents, giving homeowners and business runners much-needed peace of mind.

Cruel Extermination vs. Merciful Eviction?

When dealing with a rodent invasion, some people choose to come at the bothersome critters with all they have and are determined to win this war, no matter the financial or ethical costs. If you aren’t a big fan of rapid elimination and eradication methods like poisons and lethal traps, consider hiring professional pest control services instead. Companies like Critter Stop can provide a safe and lasting rodent removal solution that does not come at the price of the animals’ welfare.

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About the author

Ashley Judd

My name is Ashley Judd, I’m 27 years old, I’m currently studying MA Accounting and Finance (yes I love numbers) at university in Nottingham. I write down all my thoughts and perceptions and to ramble on about anything and everything.

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